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Tobias Ludwig


Biologist, Dr. rer. nat.

 Former staff member

Tel: +49 (0) 8821/ 94301- 13
Fax: +49 (0)761 203 3661 
Mail: tobias.ludwig[at]

Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt Ref. 55, Arten- und Lebensraumschutz, Vogelschutzwarte

Gsteigstraße 43

82467 Garmisch- Partenkirchen




Research Interests

I am interested in the distribution and dynamics of wildlife populations. I am particularly fascinated about grouse as indicators of intact forest ecosystems. In my research, I deal with spatio-temporal aspects of landscape change and habitat fragmentation in Europe and Asia, combining ecological concepts with landscape ecology to derive solutions and answers for applications in conservation biology.


Curriculum vitae

Work Experience

  • since 2013. Research Scientist and Lecturer, Chair of Wildlife Ecology and Mangement, University of Freiburg
  • 2012-2013. Calibration of habitat models for the evaluation of bird conservation status in Natura2000 site "Niedere Tauern"
  • 2010-2011. Validation of habitat models for the evaluation of bird conservation status in Natura2000 site "Niedere Tauern"
  • 2009. Department of Wildlife Ecology, Freiburg University. Expert statement on reintroduction of black grouse in the Rhoen hills, Bavaria
  • 2008. Department of Wildlife Ecology, Freiburg University. Customization of ArcPad 7.1 user interfaces for the departments field work
  • 2007 and 2008. GIS-training for the staff of LUPUS (Spreewitz, Lower Lusatia): head office of  the Saxon wolf project
  • 2003. TU Dresden, Institute of Hydrobiology. Assistant in a DFG-project (graduate school): „Bioindication of contamination in aquatic ecosystems”
  • 2002. Museum of Natural History and Zoology, Dresden. Conceptual design and assembly of an exhibition about Natura 2000 sites near Dresden


Academic education

  • 2004 - 2008. University of Freiburg. PhD studies at the department of Wildlife Ecology and Management. 
  • 2001 – 2003. TU Dresden. Postgraduate studies in Environmental Protection and Regional Planning
  • 1998 – 1999. University of Helsinki, Finland. Studies in Wildlife Biology and Ecology. Degree Program in Boreal Animal Ecology (ECTS)
  • 1995 – 2001. TU Dresden. Diploma in Biology



Development of methods for spatio-temporal assessments of boreal forests as wildlife habitat: the case of the Okhotsk-taiga in the Russian Far East

PhD project: Landscape change and extinction processes in fragmented habitats in central Europe


Peer reviewed

  • Ludwig, T., and Klaus, S. (2016). Habitat selection in the nonbreeding period by hazel grouse Tetrastes bonasia in the Bohemian Forest. J. Ornithol. doi:10.1007/s10336-016-1365-z.
  • Pokharel, K. P., Ludwig, T., and Storch, I. (2016). Predicting potential distribution of poorly known species with small database: the case of four-horned antelope Tetracerus quadricornis on the Indian sub-continent. Ecol. Evol.
  • Pokharel, K. P., Ludwig, T., & Storch, I. (2015). Spatial Niche Partitioning in Sub-Tropical Solitary Ungulates: Four-Horned Antelope and Barking Deer in Nepal. PLoS ONE, 10(2), e0117917.
  • Ludwig, T.; Storch I.; Gärtner, S. (2009) Large-scale land-use change may explain bird species declines in semi-natural areas: the case of black grouse population collapse in Lower Saxony, Germany. Journal of Ornithology 150 (4): 871-882.
  • Ludwig, T.; Storch I.; Graf, R.F. (2009) Historic landscape change and habitat loss: the case of black grouse in Lower Saxony, Germany. Landscape Ecology 24 (4): 533-546.
  • Ludwig, T.; Storch I.; Wübbenhorst, J. (2008) How the Black Grouse was lost: historic reconstruction of its status and distribution in Lower Saxony (Germany). Journal of Ornithology 149: 587-596.


    • Klaus, S., and T. Ludwig. 2015. Ökologie, Verhalten und Schutz des Haselhuhns Bonasa bonasia im Böhmerwald (Sumava, Tschechien). Symposium Raufußhühner des Landesjagdverbandes Bayern - Bayerischer Jagdverband e.V. und der Bayerischen Akademie für Jagd und Natur, 12.-13.05.2015 in Freyung. Schriftenreihe des Landesjagdverbandes Bayern e.V., Band 22. 45-54.
    • Ludwig, T., Andreev, A. V, and Siano, R. (2015). Auswirkungen von Kahlschlägen auf das Sichelhuhn Falcipennis falcipennis: erste Ergebnisse zweier Forschungsreisen in die Ochotskische Taiga in Fernost-Russland. Vogelwarte 53(4), 368-369.
    • Ludwig, T., and Klaus, S. (2015). Habitatwahl des Haselhuhns im Böhmerwald (Šumava, CZ). Vogelwarte 53(4), 369-370.
    • Ludwig T., Siano R., & Andreev A. V (2015) A reconnaissance travel to the Okhotsk taiga in the Russian Far East. Grouse News, 49, 8–14.
    • Ludwig T. & Unger C. (2015) Federal Cross of Merit to Dr. Siegfried Klaus. Grouse News, 49, 27.
    • Edelhoff, H., & Ludwig, T. (2014). Modellierung von Auerhuhn-Habitaten Tetrao urogallus mit unterschiedlichen Ansätzen: Wie einheitlich sind die Ergebnisse? Vogelwarte, 52(4), 331–333.
    • Ludwig, T and K Konovalenko (2012) Siberian Grouse in the Russian Far East: data deficient? Grouse News (Newsletter of the Grouse Specialist Group) 43. 11-15.
    • Ludwig T (2012) Geographische Informationssysteme in der Feldornithologie. In: Hans-Heiner Bergmann, Siegfried Klaus, Daniel Doer. Der Falke-Taschenkalender für Vogelbeobachter 2012 Aula Verlag
    • Ludwig T, Storch I (2011) Validierung von Habitatmodellen zur Erstbeurteilung des Erhaltungszustands im Europaschutzgebiet Niedere Tauern. Abschlussbericht für das Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung. 41 pp.
    • Ludwig T.; Storch I. (2011) Re-introduction and Re-enforcement as a conservation measure for Grouse?. G@llinformed: electronic newsletter of the Galliformes Specialist Group (GSG) 4: 18-20.
    • Storch I, Ludwig T, Knauer F (2009) Erfolgsaussichten einer Bestandesstützung für das Birkhuhn in der Rhön. Bericht für die Regierung von Unterfranken, 52 pp.
    • Ludwig, T. (2008) Landscape change and extinction processes – the case of black grouse in lowland Central Europe. Grouse News - Newsletter of the Grouse Specialist Group 35:22–23.
    • Ludwig T, Storch I (2003) Can landscape change explain black grouse declines in central Europe? - A new project. Sylvia 39 Supplement: 59-63.
    • Klemm A., Ludwig T., Opitz M., & Zschutschke M. (1994). Zur Bestandssituation charakteristischer Muschelarten des Gülper Sees. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Brandenburg, 4, 19–23.


    • Wildlife Habitat Modeling (Elective Module, M.Sc.)
    • Research in Wildlife Ecology (Elective Module, M.Sc.)
    • Joint Master Module Ecosystem Management
    • UMPRO (M.Sc. Environmental Sciences)